
Prerequisite: None
Credits: 3 or 5

The Yearbook program is looking for students who are dedicated, creative, artistically inclined and who display a genuine interest in graphic design and photography.

Yearbook students receive hands-on instruction in:

  • Digital photography
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe InDesign 
  • An online Yearbook creation program

Yearbook is a great place for creative students to make an important contribution to the school while collaborating with others who have similar interests. While we recommend that students enrol in the full-year, five credit program, Yearbook can also be taken for three credits in semestered/quartered classes.

Students will be expected to spend time outside of regular class hours to take photos of activities at lunch, after school and during evenings or weekends. Students will have an opportunity to earn extra credits for putting in the extra time. 

To create a quality, cohesive yearbook, students must collaborate with each other, while also learning to work independently. There are hard deadlines that must be met, and assigned pages must be completed before the quarter/semester/year is over.

The yearbook is more than just a book of photos. It holds your high school memories and is a record of Memorial’s history. In Yearbook, you are a part of creating that historical record!

Note: Due to space limitations, Yearbook has a maximum enrolment of 15 students.